Have you ever wondered why your jeans look like they do?
It's a question we've been asked numerous times, so we thought a visual display would be the most effective way of demonstrating.
Below is a step by step guide to the various processes involved in getting raw denim into your favourite pair of jeans.
1. Rolls of raw denim are delivered into the factory, these can be in varying weights, compositions and shades.
2. The raw denim is placed in layers upon the fabric cutting tables and the paper pattern layout is then placed on top, ready for cutting. Once cut the layers of denim are then kept in bundles relating to pieces. eg. back pockets, front legs or belt loops.
3. After cutting, the bundles are sent to the factory sewing floor, where each pair of jeans is sewn together. Pretty much all jeans look the same at this stage, they are in the dark raw denim state.
4. The raw state jeans get sent to laundries where they are washed in industrial size washing machines filled with pumice stones.
The particular wash length and temperature dictates how the jeans will appear after washing. Prior to washing the garments can have reactive chemicals or hand scrapes added, this can further effect the final appearance after wash. Often washing tries to emulate years of authentic wear on jeans. We often love our favourite 10 year old pair of jeans and want to have that appearance in a new pair we buy.
5. Jeans are now ready to be labelled, packed and shipped out to customers.
To further demonstrate, our Recycled Cotton Denim Jackets below are manufactured in the same denim quality but with very different final appearances, the first in a light stonewash to give a flat blue appearance and then a bleach stonewash, which strips out the colour of the denim and gives a 1990's feel.